
Supply of software for the management of telematic sales, which includes:

  • A proprietary platform that is interoperable with the PVP and compliant with the requirements indicated in D.M. 32/2015.
  • Organization of the auction and uploading it to the reference platform.
  • Real-time chat.
  • Automatic drafting of the sales report.
  • Summary list of the sale pursuant to art. 23 of D.M. n. 32/2015. 32/2015.

Complete assistance in the management of the sale with technical support on the use of the telematic platform.

One of our specialists will be present in the indicated location on the scheduled day for the sales operations, whether it’s at the professional’s office or another location previously established. They will guide the professional through their own dashboard, assisting in all steps of the sale.

Documentary assistance for drafting the sale-related documents.

Our legal office experts review or participate in drafting the required documents for the management of the sale, as transmitted by the delegated professional.

Telephone assistance during all phases of sales activities, with the aim of providing technical and operational support for the use of online platforms.

Telephone help desk for users interested in purchasing through participation in the telesales. Includes assistance in completing the telematics bid via PVP.

Management and provision of a security deposit account in the name of the sales manager, where bidders will deposit the required amount as deposit.