26 September 2023

NPL & UTP, the tenth edition in Verona

Gobid Group is once again the official sponsor of the conference “NPL & UTP. Non-performing credits: status artis” now in its tenth edition and promoted by Alma Iura, one of the most active study centers in the sector of banking law and financial markets. The event will take place in the splendid location of the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona on 12 October.

“The recovery of impaired loans and the management of probable defaults are, in their essence, arts – underlines Marco Rossi, Creator and Scientific Coordinator of the event – as such, they guard the secrets of the “corporation” and presuppose the orality of the exchange of knowledge; hence the opportunity to meet again in Verona to allow the “workshops” and their “artists” to exchange ideas. New rules (a new crisis code and a new reform of the civil trial) require us to put to the test consolidated practices and all this in the continuing difficult economic situation, which makes the art of recovery and management increasingly artless and increasingly subject to risk. Added to this are the doubts about a possible financial crisis”.

October 12th will therefore be a very important opportunity to address and reflect on the “Italian NPE market which – Rossi always underlines – “is, in this sense, one of the most evolved and mature, but on these meeting occasions we will have to try to understand together whether recent developments, for example in artificial intelligence, can constitute game changers and whether they can, therefore, make the industry evolve towards a real science”.

“NPL & UTP” brings together every year in Verona the main players in the world of non-performing credit and unlikely to pay (hence the name NPL&UTP), just think that in the previous edition alone it saw the participation of over 40 credit institutions and of over 600 members.

The latest news from the NPL world

There are two pillars of the “NPL & UTP” conference: the sharing of knowledge, the creation and strengthening of relationships. For this reason, the event is divided into two main moments, the first dedicated to keynotes, roundtables and speeches and the second focused on networking, such as business meetings and welcome coffees.

The first names who will speak inside the Palazzo della Guardia in Verona on October 12th have been revealed. Just to name a few: Corrado Angelelli, Partner Banking & Finance – Greenberg Traurig Santa Maria, Gaudenzio Bonaldo Gregori, CEO and Managing Partner – Pillarstone, Cosimo Damiano Capolupo, Head of Credit Asset Management – Iccrea Banca Parent Company of the BCC Iccrea Group, Alberto Franzone, Managing Director , Country co-head – Alvarez & Marsal Italia.

An honorable scientific committee for the tenth edition, chaired by Rainer Masera, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Marconi University, (former Minister of the Budget and Minister for Relations with the European Union, former CEO and President of the Sanpaolo Group IMI) and composed of leading figures in the sector of the caliber of Carlo Viola, Vice President of the Committee, CEO – Fincavio Capital (advisor Triton Funds for Italy – Former Head of the Strategies & Solutions Department of Intesa Sanpaolo and Vice Chairman – Intesa Sanpaolo Provis ), Marco Rossi, creator and scientific coordinator of the event, Co-managing partner – RR&P Accountants and Lawyers Associates and Gaetano Lattanzi, scientific coordinator of NPL&UTP – Head of NPE and Legal | Risk Management – BHW Bausparkasse AG | Deutsche Bank AG Banking Group (Frankfurt am Main).

NPL&UTP takes place under the patronage of the European Commission, AIBE Italian Association of Foreign Banks, AIFI Italian Association of Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt, ASSIFACT Italian Association for Factoring and the Verona Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture.


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