16 June 2023

Gobid Group is born

The new website together with the new brand Gobid Group represents the perfect synthesis of this evolution, where professionals and the various realities interested in the sale of a property will be able to find paths dedicated to them with all the personalized services offered by the Group, together with a selection of Case Histories and relevant news. All this, together with an engaging storytelling, which tells the soul and essential values ​​of the Group.

Turning our gaze towards new perspectives, keeping our feet anchored in what has always distinguished the Group’s reality: high competence, solid experience and a rapid capacity for innovation. It is from this idea that Gobid Group was born, the portal dedicated to institutional communication for professionals. An important news, which marks a significant change in the history of the company: that of the launch of a new corporate identity.

A virtual reference space, in which it is possible to stay in contact with the company by subscribing to the newsletter.

With the new brand identity, the network of the Group’s proprietary platforms, Gobid.it and Gobidreal.it, also renew their visual and digital identity, with two new brands. A graphic restyling that fully expresses the essence of a hierarchical relationship: that between Gobid Group, dedicated to professionals, a “unique” symbol that brings together the new brands Gobid.it and Gobidreal.it, dedicated to sales and purchases of goods.

The new brand identity impacts all the Group’s online and offline communication channels. On the digital side, particular attention was paid to the social network Linkedin, with a new coordinated image and an ad hoc editorial plan.


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