20 September 2023

Cespec: The fifteenth edition of the seminar on the island of San Servolo

From 22nd to 24th September, appointment with the XV Edition of the Seminar of Delegated Judges, Criminal Judges and Public Prosecutors in the splendid setting of the island of San Servolo, in the Venetian lagoon. The event is organized by Cespec – Executive and Insolvency Procedures Study Center and sees Gobid Group among the official partners. Three sessions of the seminar aimed at professionals: Bankruptcy Procedures – Real Estate Executions and Penal Economy. In this article we will delve into the session aimed at Insolvency Procedures.

The Crisis Code for Insolvency Procedures

What changes with the new Crisis Code? This will be discussed on Friday 22, Saturday 23, and Sunday 24 during sessions devoted toInsolvency Proceedings entitled“The Crisis and Insolvency Code – Organizational Challenges for Offices and New Canons of Interpretation.”

Distinguished speakers from the legal and academic worlds will participate in the three-day sessions devoted to topical issues:

  • Protective and precautionary measures,
  • The effects: of application, admission and probate;
  • The Treatment of Creditors;
  • Judicial review;
  • Debt relief;
  • The relationship between prosecutors, courts, and procedural bodies in the perspective of the Crisis and Insolvency Code and the Cartabia reform.

Below is the program in detail:


  • 2:30 – 4:15 pm:“Protective and precautionary measures. Negotiated settlement. Unified proceedings.” Coordinated by: Lucia De Bernardin (Rome Court). Introducing the discussion: Giuseppe Rana (Trani Court) – Antonella Rimondini (Bologna Court).
  • 16:15 – 18:00: “The effects: of application, admission and probate. The effects for the debtor. The effects for creditors.” Coordinated by Giovanni Nardecchia(Attorney General’s Office at the Court of Cassation). Speakers: Massimo Fabiani(Professor ord. of Crisis and Insolvency Law at Università degli Studi del Molise) – Pierpaolo Lanni (Court of Verona).


  • 09:00am – 11:00am : “The Treatment of Creditors. The formation of classes. Predeductible, privileged, and tax creditors.” Coordinated by Andrea Zuliani (Court of Cassation). Introducing the discussion: Bruno Conca (Court of Bergamo) – Francesco Pipicelli (Court of Milan).
  • 11:00am – 1:00pm:“Judicial review. The judgment of admission. The judgment of probate.” Coordinated by Alessandro Farolfi (Supreme Court of Cassation). Salvo Leuzzi (Supreme Court of Cassation) and Federico Maida (Court of Syracuse) will speak.
  • 2:30pm – 4:30pm :“Debt collection. The transitional regime. The Debt Collection of the Incapacitated” . Coordinator Maria Antonia Maiolino (Court of Padua). Introducing the discussion: Carlo Bianconi (Court of Modena) – Anna Ghedini (Court of Ferrara).


  • 09:00am -12:00am :“The Relations between the Power of Attorney, Courts and Procedure Bodies in the Perspective of the Code of Crisis and Insolvency and the Cartabia Reform.” “The Curator’s and Judicial Commissioner’s cognitive input: reports (content, functions, filing deadlines, updating and supplementary information, relations with the Prosecutor’s Office.” Coordinator: Donata Costa (European Public Prosecutor’s Office – EPPO Venice) – Mariano Sciacca (Court of Catania)Introducing the discussion: Annamaria Picozzi (Public Prosecutor’s Office of Palermo) Sergio Rossetti (Court of Milan).

Download the program in detail here


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