20 September 2023

Cespec: Bankruptcy crimes after the Crisis Code

In San Servolo, one of the most evocative locations in the Venetian lagoon, an important update and networking event dedicated to professionals: the XV Edition of Cespec – Executive and Insolvency Procedures Study Center dedicated to Delegated, Criminal and Public Prosecutor Judges. The Economic Criminal Session will take place from 22nd to 24th September. Gobid Group is among the official sponsors of the event.


  • 2.30pm – 6.30pm: ” Improper bankruptcy due to malicious transactions in its possible declinations – risks of interpretative dilations of the case – prospects for reform.” Coordinated by Ciro Santoriello (Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office). Introducing the discussion: Anna Mascolo (Turin Court), Mario Bendoni (Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office) and Renato Bricchetti (Court of Cassation).


  • START 9.30am – 12.30pm. These are the topics addressed:
  • “The criminal liability of directors, auditors and auditors in light of the Crisis and Insolvency Code”;
  • “Adequate organisational, administrative and accounting structures pursuant to art. 2086 of the civil code and guarantee positions of the administrative and control bodies of the companies”;
  • “The problem of the omissive participation of auditors and directors without delegation in the bankruptcy crimes committed by managing directors: causal link, counterfactual judgment and impeding powers, psychological element.”;
  • “Liability for simple bankruptcy due to negligent aggravation of the bankruptcy”;
  • “The role, obligations and responsibilities of auditors and auditors in light of the new Crisis and Insolvency Code: risk management, information flows and best practices – The professional’s point of view”. Andrea Mereu of the Court of Cagliari will coordinate the discussion, held by the speakers Prof. Lawyers Roberto Zannotti (Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Rome LUMSA), Elbano De Nuccio (President of the National Council of Chartered Accountants) and Fabio Di Vizio (Public Prosecutor’s Office of Florence).
  • 2.30pm – 5.30pm “Crimes linked to business crises, operational choices in the investigation phase and investigative techniques – management and strategy in the trial phase: the point of view of the prosecutor and the judge.” Coordinator Mario Dovinola (Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office). Introducing the discussion: Fabio Regolo (Catania Public Prosecutor’s Office), Salvatore Della Corte (Major at the PEF Guardia di Finanza Unit in Milan) and Andrea Ghinetti (Milan Court).


  • 09:00am – 12:00am “The relationships between the prosecutor’s office, the courts and the procedural bodies in the perspective of the crisis and insolvency code and the Cartabia reform” and “The cognitive contribution of the liquidator and the judicial commissioner: the reports (content , functions, filing deadlines, updates and additional information; relations with the Prosecutor’s Office”. Coordinated by Donata Costa (European Prosecutor’s Office – EPPO Office Venice) and Mariano Sciacca (Court of Catania). Annamaria Picozzi (Prosecutor of the Republic of Palermo) and Sergio Rossetti (Court of Milan) will intervene.

Download the poster and the program in detail here


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