28 September 2023

Brescia: The code of business crisis and insolvency

A must-attend event for all professionals in the judicial world. On October 13 and 14 at Villa Fenaroli Palace Hotel in Rezzato, the 33rd Edition of the Study Congress “The Code of Business Crisis and Insolvency a Year After Introduction: The Role of the Accountant and First Applications” will take place.

The event is organized by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Brescia, under the patronage of the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, the Chamber of Commerce Industry Crafts and Agriculture of Brescia, and the University of Brescia. Gobid Group is the main sponsor of the conference.

The conference will begin by addressing the phenomenon of business crisis up to insolvency and choosing the best tool to tackle them. There will then be discussions on the theme of business continuity from negotiated composition to recovery plans and court-approved restructuring plans. The conference will then continue with the liquidation alternative, debt restructuring agreements, preventive concordat, and a comparative review of the approaches of different courts. Finally, there will be a focus on crimes committed by entrepreneurs and other involved subjects, without neglecting the protection of third parties.

The program for the individual days:


  • 9.30: Dr. Severino Gritti – President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Brescia. Speakers include Prof. Dr. Elbano de Nuccio, President of the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts; Eng. Roberto Saccone, President of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Crafts of Brescia; Prof. Francesco Castelli, Magnificent Rector of the University of Brescia; Dr. Francesco Guarneri, CEO of Guber Banca SpA.
  • 9.45 The crisis and the phase preceding it: the choice of the tool to face them. Coordinator: Dr. Vittorio Masìa, President of the Ordinary Court of Brescia and President of the Autonomous District Section Prevention Measures. Discussants include Prof. Lawyer Stefano Ambrosini, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Eastern Piedmont; Prof. Lawyer Luigi Ardizzone, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Brescia; Dr. Marcello Pollio, Chartered Accountant of the Order of Genoa; Dr. Stefano Midolo, Chartered Accountant of the Order of Brescia.
  • 11.50: Business continuity: negotiated composition, recovery plans, court-approved restructuring plan. Coordinator: Dr. Graziella Canditti, Chartered Accountant of the Order of Brescia. Speakers: Prof. Edgardo Ricciardiello, Associate Professor of Commercial Law – University of Bologna; Dr. Simonetta Bruno, President of the IV Civil Section – Bankruptcy Procedures and Executions of the Court of Brescia; Dr. Alessandro Pernigotto, Judge IV Civil Section – Bankruptcy Procedures and Executions of the Court of Brescia; Lawyer Giovanni Pigolotti, Lawyer and Counselor of the Order of Brescia; Dr. Raffaella Ferrai, President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Trento and Rovereto.
  • 15:00: Business continuity, the liquidation alternative, debt restructuring agreements, and preventive concordat: criticalities and opportunities. Courts in comparison. Coordinators: Dr. Giovanni Rizzardi, Chartered Accountant of the Order of Brescia. Discussants include Dr. Monica Attanasio, President of the II Civil Section of the Court of Verona; Dr. Vincenza Agnese, Judge II Civil Section of the Court of Milan; Dr. Raffaele Del Porto, President II Civil Section and Specialized Section Enterprises of the Court of Brescia; Prof. Paolo Felice Censoni, President of the Center for Bankruptcy Law Studies of Bologna, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.
  • 17.00 Round table: The points of view of the involved parties. Coordinator: Dr. Alessandro Galimberti, Journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore. Discussants include Hon. Prof. Maurizio Leo, Vice Minister of Economy and Finance; Sen. Lawyer Francesco Paolo Sisto, Vice Minister of Justice; Dr. Masìa Vittorio, President of the Ordinary Court of Brescia and President of the Autonomous District Section Prevention Measures; Dr. Raffaele Del Porto, President II Civil Section and Specialized Section Enterprises of the Court of Brescia; Prof. Lawyer Luigi Balestra, Full Professor of Civil Law in the Department of Legal Sciences at the University of Bologna; Dr. Davide Becchetti, Head of Special Situation Guber Banca SpA; Dr. Paolo Streparava, Vice President of Confindustria Brescia; Prof. Dr. Maria Lucetta Russotto, Aggregate Professor of Business Economics at the Universities of Florence and Cassino.



  • 9:30 Crimes committed by entrepreneurs and people other than the entrepreneur. Protection of third parties. Coordinator: Dr. Pierangelo Seri, Chartered Accountant of the Order of Brescia. Discussants include Prof. Alessandro Danovi, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Bergamo; Lawyer Andrea Puccio, Criminal Lawyer in Milan and Brescia, Criminal Law of the Economy and Business; Dr. Angelina Baldissera, Judge II Civil Section and Autonomous District Section Prevention Measures of the Court of Brescia; Dr. Benedetta Callea, Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Republic at the Court of Brescia; Dr. Antonio Chiappani, Public Prosecutor at the Court of Bergamo.
  • 1:00 PM CLOSURE of the proceedings.

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